Hello friends.
Well, it's already November. October has come and gone, and with it, daylight savings (whatever that actually means!). Autumn reaches its apex of color and crispness, foretelling the end of the year, another trip around the sun. What to do? How to make amends for things done and left undone? How to begin again?
I thought perhaps time together, away, might be the answer. So, I asked my friends, Dan and Lois, at St. Andrew's House on Hood Canal, and Cristina Airaghi, pastor and artist, to help me create a gathering for us -- just 24 hours, noon to noon, in mid-December. Interested? If you're ready to sign up, just click here!
As a woman, a professional, a carer of many kinds, I often find it difficult, nearly impossible, to make time for my own thoughts and feelings. Time to focus on my own yearnings, my visions and intentions. What if we knit together a safe space for a dozen or so of us to hold that focus? And what if we dared to do it smack dab in the middle of the "season" -- a time of busyness, of baking and shopping and . . .
Would it endanger those all-important holiday plans? Or might it instead provide us with needed fuel, not only for times of winter celebration but also for our own lives as we embark upon the New Year?
Might such creativity, conversations and dreaming provide rich soil to sprout a year full of possibilities? Might this indeed be the best gift we could give to ourselves and in turn to others?
We need several elements for this to work: an inspiring location a drive away from the city, beautiful and nutritious meals prepared by someone else, materials for creating and topics for discussion, gifted and loving facilitators able to hold sacred space and listen deeply. And a room of lovely, star filled and exhausted women. Know any? I sure do.
Pastor Cristina and I will be joined by Interplay practitioner Deborah Flynn, and curate a time that includes group discussion, individual meditation, opportunities for creative expression, and an ear for questions of discernment. The registration fee covers everything, including single room occupancy lodging and all meals. If you require a scholarship, let us know and we will try and work something out. If you can offer extra resources to support another person, we appreciate that too! The important thing is to gather and to rest, together.
Inspired? I hope so. If you have questions, send me a message on my website. Or if you're ready to Begin Again, click here to sign up. Space is limited so don't wait!
Meanwhile, wishing you love and light and the blessings of a liminal time. Joyce